Well well, det blev aldrig så att jag ställde ut sakerna (de på bilden i min förra post) som jag tog med mig till Danmark.
Deltagarutställningen var inte riktigt som jag tänkte mig... ja ja, så kan det vara ibland.
Men det gjorde inget för jag fick tillfälle att visa själva bilden som en del i en pecha kucha-presentation av mitt arbete, vilket var väldigt kul.
Porslinsskedarna som jag också hade med mig fick bli mitt bidrag istället, som donation till en auktion.
Och konferensen - Scanceram 2013 - var riktigt riktigt bra! Bilder från den kommer snart!
The exhibiting of my pieces (from pre-posted picture) never happened.
The place for the show wasn´t really how I expected... oh well, never mind.
Instead I was happily given the opportunity to present the very picture itself as part of a presentation of my work in a pecha kucha event, so much fun!
Also my porcelain spoons which I brought aswell, became my contribution to an auction during the conference,
Scanceram 2013, which by the way, was a very good conference!
More pictures soon to come!
Also my porcelain spoons which I brought aswell, became my contribution to an auction during the conference,
Scanceram 2013, which by the way, was a very good conference!
More pictures soon to come!
How exciting that you were in pecha kucha! I need to get to one of the Providence meetings. You are getting your work out there, even if it isn't the way you expected.