27 september 2013

Mera Scanceram 2013

ferry ferry ferry

from Helle Bovbjerg´s presentation

Laura Jean MacLaughlin´s and Lars Calmar´s demos

works by Laura Jean MacLaghulin

Works by Lars Calmar

works by Linda Christiansson

Conferences is about taking the ferry to Denmark (that is if you´re going to Scanceram), presentations, slideshows,
demos, lots of ceramics and a little bit of snooping around in the kitchen.

Shannon Sullivan Eva Zethraeus Pricilla Mouritzen Janice Hunter Elisa Helland Hansen Norvald Hemre Nina Hole Joe Antonio Sarmiento Magni Jensen

23 september 2013

Scanceram 2013

Well well, det blev aldrig så att jag ställde ut sakerna (de på bilden i min förra post) som jag tog med mig till Danmark.
Deltagarutställningen var inte riktigt som jag tänkte mig... ja ja, så kan det vara ibland.
Men det gjorde inget för jag fick tillfälle att visa själva bilden som en del i en pecha kucha-presentation av mitt arbete, vilket var väldigt kul.
Porslinsskedarna som jag också hade med mig fick bli mitt bidrag istället, som donation till en auktion.
Och konferensen - Scanceram 2013 - var riktigt riktigt bra! Bilder från den kommer snart!

The exhibiting of my pieces (from pre-posted picture) never happened. 
The place for the show wasn´t really how I expected... oh well, never mind.
Instead I was happily given the opportunity to present the very picture itself as part of a presentation of my work in a pecha kucha event, so much fun! 
Also my porcelain spoons which I brought aswell, became my contribution to an auction during the conference, 
Scanceram 2013, which by the way, was a very good conference! 
More pictures soon to come!

18 september 2013

Mot Danmark!

Mot Danmark och Scanceram 2013!
Jag tar med mig de här två till en deltagarutställning där.
Jo de har varit på bild förr fast med annan bakgrund. Kanske stod de lite annorlunda också.
I alla fall - i internationella sammanhang får de heta "A bit Too Much" och "A Little Dash"
Berättar mer så småningom.

Off to Denmark and Scanceram 2013!
I´ll bring these two along for the Participant Exhibition. 
Yes they´ve been pictured here before but with different background. They might have been displayed  a little differently aswell.
Titles are: "A bit too much" and "A little Dash"
I´ll tell you more in a while.

12 september 2013

4 september 2013


very charming clay figure made by very young visiting artist last spring

Oh my, have this blog been put to rest over the summer or no?
Yes friends, true! 
I have been busy, first with doing nothing i e being on vacation. 
Then, with being overly busy at the school where I franticly work when 
I am not being an incredibly talented and skilled ceramic artist in my studio;) 
Sorry for the long break but from now on it will be different, or at least back to somewhat normal.
Stay put.
So long.